Monday, October 1, 2012

A Happy Sunday

Sundays are good for You. Yeah,you!

I do look forward to the weekend. I want to do so many things throughout the week.. Read a book, watch a movie, catch up with friends and get some me-time but its not always possible due to other commitments.

I reserve my weekends for dedicated hours of preparation for Entrances, fun and the things I really want to do!

My colleague Aarthi suggested I watch 'The Manchurian Candidate'. I watched it this afternoon and loved it.

Denzel Washington is a fabulous actor and makes you feel for him. The Manchurian Candidate is by far one of my favourite movies of Washington, closely followed by 'Remember the Titans'. For co-stars, Meryl Streep is beautiful and unsurpassingly creepy. Liev Schreiber (The guy who plays Wolverine's brother in Xmen), is sleek and conjures up an air of authority and carries off the image of a confident, conniving politician very well. As much as I'd like to type out my thoughts and comment on this beautiful thriller, I'd rather do it after reading the book (on which this movie is based).

So yes, I had a peaceful Sunday, did a little cooking, studied, helped around the house, ran a few errands, made a colourful sketch with felts and wrote CSS for my blog.

Sundays are meant for unwinding and setting in a new week.

I look forward to a good week and hope you do too!

P.S. I want to share with you something I made tonight :

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Please prove you are not a Robot.