Tuesday, October 25, 2011


My friends know how I love taking pictures and editing them. I have been using Picasa to edit my pics until recently. We have a subject called "Image processing" in our syllabus this semester. To understand and enjoy tinkering with it,my friend suggested I start using Gimp.

Now,Gimp is an image processing tool. Gimp actually stands for GNU Image Processing program.
It is freely available and runs on all platforms(windows,linux,mac os).

1. I downloaded Gimp from PortableApps.com

2. After I installed it, I opened it in a new folder and i saw the following folders along with the Gimp app.

3. After double-clicking on the Gimp app,I went into the options file and clicked on open and opened a new image.
The image i used was taken at versova and shows three kids playing on the beach.

3.Gimp has various options. Its got options like filters. We can use various filters to edit an image.

4. Its also got a channel mixer. Basically an image has 3 modes: RGB,Greyscale and indexed.
Assuming you want to work on the RGB mode ie with colours Red,Green,Blue and want to adjust the presence of each colour in an image. You can vary that using the in-built channel mixer.

5. A particular filter that caught my fancy was the edge detection filter. Under edge detection,we can use filters like laplace,robert,sobel etc. Sobel filter was one of the filters i wanted to use on this particular image. So i used it in the vertical direction (yes you can filter it in horizontal as well as vertical)
6. Although,we did get the desired filtered output image,i wasn't happy with it. Another edge detection filter i wanted to try out was Difference of Gaussian.
7. Another filter i wanted to try out (not under edge detection) was the one that said animation. So i tried using the spinning globe effect under the animation filter

Yeah,Gimp is easy to use and fun too! 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Monday, October 11, 2010


Clicks at someshwar and koderi beach :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Me

Hi there!
So,my chuddybuddy has been bugging me that I don't write about myself in this blog.

"It's either your food pics,random videos, the quotes/gyan you come up with  etc. or the complex thoughts that feature in your blog..that's all I see. Why can't I see something written about yourself ???? "

Hello World!
My name is Shrutika K_____. I am quite an introvert. I keep to myself usually. I don't open up that well but I do make an effort to put the person(s) I interact with,at ease.

I have a pair of black eyes.Bushy black hair.Dimpled cheeks. A round face. I'm overweight. I am of average height-5 feet,five inches. I'm an ordinary girl with not so ordinary goals.

I am very passionate about reading,cooking,sports,music and technology. I love animals,photography and my space. I am in the process of becoming an engineer. I am not very good with electronics but I make an effort to understand how things work. I like surfing the net. I have taken up blogging so that I learn to express myself better,write better.

When I interact with people,I observe how they talk,their gestures,their facial expressions etc.
I notice the things that appeal to me. Some things, that are not so good, are best tuned out.
I like genuine,hard working and sincere people. I don't like double standards. I take my time to make friends. Sometimes,if I get a bad experience with others,I tend to phase out when they talk. I don't seem to/ want to make an effort to interact with them. I don't even have the heart to be rude to them unless absolutely necessary. Like I observed yesterday, a simple smile or a small wave can suffice.

I don't have a boyfriend. I don't feel that I am responsible or mature enough to be in a relationship,yet. I feel a relationship requires a serious effort from both sides. Seeing a relationship going awry,in the family is enough for me to form these views. As much as I like people, I don't understand why they interfere in other's private lives. If a girl is frank enough to tell them that she doesn't have a boyfriend,why do they make attacks of a personal nature and quickly make them appear as a 'just kidding' statement,when snubbed? Makes me wonder if they have lost a better part of their humour? People sure are puzzling..

Crushes belong to a different category,altogether. I haven't met a guy that has made me go 'weak in the knees' yet. I am not a hopeless romantic but I still wonder if such kind of men exist ;)

I have an average sense of humour. I don't miss an opportunity to make others laugh. I crack PJs when frustrated :P.

This is all that there is,to me. Don't be dependent on this account,though.
I might change;Become Awesome :D

Tuesday, August 17, 2010